Feb 4, 2011

SmartCity - Facts and Truths

At last Smart-City is about to happen. Thank god. Finally Tcom was forced to accept the demands of our Gov. Anyway it will be a big start for IT growth in Kerala. As an IT professional, this news made me happy.

The main advantage of this agreement compared to the previous one is, it gives respect to our concerns. That means, as a Government, we need to make sure that all the points in the agreement will not be against our interest.

Had we implemented the previous agreement, it may affect our IT growth. As per the UDF’s agreement, there was no assurance to provide jobs and for using this land for IT purpose. And also the amount paid for the land was very less when compared to the new one. The old one was 24Cr and the new one is 104Cr, even the average price for the land is somewhat less as compared to the same during 2005-2006. As per the previous agreement, Kerala government has no privilege to start any other IT parks in Ernakulam and it was required to give INFOPARK to Tecom. What a foolish agreement it was…!!!

We should appreciate our Government for taking this strong step, eventhough it was delayed, without considering any cheap political views. Some guys (with their foolish political concepts) trying to say something like “we lost years” to start this project. But we have taken a good stand and started the discussions with Tcom authority from the beginning of this government’s period. In the mean time, Kerela Gov tried to improve the growth of entire Kerala IT Industry. As per central Government’s record, last 4 years Kerala IT industry’s growth rate is higher than the same of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Kerala’s IT exports was 680 Crs in 2006. But now it exceeded 3300 Crs (Even in the recession time). Second stage of Infopark development is already started which will generate at least 1 lakh IT openings.

Investments in the last two years had exceeded Rs.10,000 Cr. and started several It parks in all over Kerala.

Just have brief comparisons of two agreements:-


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