Sep 7, 2010

Political Trump Cards through EDAYALEKHANAMs

Now a day the EDAYALEKHANAM are very common in some of the Christian churches in Kerala. Some of our religious leaders are trying to convert these holy places to the stages for their dirty political dramas.

Meanwhile I am happy to say that lot of religious leaders / bishops are still here who are following the real Christian life and contributing their services to the society. They are not bothering about any political vision, but they only think about the humanity. With all respects to those leaders and their services, I am trying to express my objections against leaders who are playing these political dramas.

These EDAYALEKHANAM have a hidden agenda. These leaders are using religion as trump cards which are more dangerous than an atom bomb…!! We need to realize this. The Lord Jesus always preaches about the LOVE, but these leaders are……..!!!

Playing with these cards are very dangerous. We already know about Popular Front of India and RSS like religion related foundations links with the various terrorist activities in our country. Next might be from the Christians side, if the religious leaders behave like this. The educated people must think about this and try to prevent it. Don’t allow the religious leader to play with these dangerous cards in politics. Lord Christ always preaches about the true LOVE. As a devote we need to follow him, but not these *modern* religious leader and their EDAYALEKHANAMs.

These leaders have a strong political view which is always with UDF. In fact the last EDAYALEKHANAM was published in VEEKSHANAM news paper even before reading it in churches. They are always trying to fight with CPIM. They don’t think about the consequences of this play, only thinking about their benefits, since they are blind with anti-communism. They don’t think about the incidents in Orissa. Last EDAYALEKHANAM (July 18 th) directly announce that the christens must vote to UDF. Feeling shame about these leaders. Election commissioner already declared an enquiry about this EDAYALEKHANAM.

As India is a democratic country, all Indians have their own privilege to believe in any political party or vote to anybody. So these EDAYALEKHANAM are against Indian democracy.

These guys are always trying publishing that the CPIM is fully against religion. But it is not true. They are actually misleading the devotees. Communist party is never against the religion. Communist parties are always responsible to help a devotee for keeping his or her religious views. Also this party is responsible to help a guy to stick on his non-religion stand. When the RSS attacks began against the Christians in Orissa, only the CPI-M takes the stand to help Christians to keep their religious views and their churches.
Even the devotees had used the CPIM office as church to pray when the RSS folks attack the Christian churches.

CPI-M has their own clear stand about the religion and their attitude about the same.

Other Christian communities are already declared that they are not interested to involve in politics.

This article may irritate some of the readers. But this is my humble work, for creating a self thinking community. I am trying to tell you about the consequences of mixing religion with the politics. BE AWARE about this…..

                                                                                                    ---------- ANISH PANTHALANI

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