
Aug 13, 2012

Food Security and Poverty Line: The Top-Level Mismanagement

This is the period where our government is always researching for decommissioning or withdrawing subsidies of food items through the public distribution centers (like ration shops). Keep in mind that the economic situation of normal Indians are not in a good position now. As per the WHO records, 63 Cr people in India are poor people and 19.8Cr in that is in very poor category now. As per the last survey result (in 2005), more than 77% of total Indian population is not capable for spending Rs.20 in a day.

Around 30% of our populations are still under below property line (BPL). Manmohan Singh Government is pushing the BPLs to become APLs (above poverty line) only by changing the definition of poverty which is actually an anti-people approach L.

Montek Singh Ahluwalia-led Planning Commission filled an affidavit in the Supreme Court stating anyone those who are capable for spending the excess of Rs.32/- in urban areas and RS 26/- in villages are not eligible for the benefits that are offered by Central as well as State governments to the BPL communities. Earlier these figures were RS15/- and Rs.20 respectively. This revision has done only because of Supreme Court's advice. So who earns Rs.960/- in urban and Rs.780/- in village area will not be in new BPL list. Think whether a human can live with this amount in a month!!!   Thus UPA 2nd government is trying to artificially reduce the number of BPL and reduce the expenses for supporting that poor community. Also the leading political parties in this Government can showcase this figure for their publicity. What an idea sirjiiii..!!! 

For urban areas, the spending of Rs 32 a day translates into spending Rs 5.5 on cereals, Rs 1.02 on pulses, Rs 2.33 on milk, Rs 1.55 on edible oil, Rs 1.95 on vegetables, Rs 0.44 on fruits, Rs 0.70 on sugar, Rs 0.78 on salt and spices, Rs 3.75 on fuel. Planning commission says that this spending should be sufficient for the people and we can keep these people in APL list. Now the minimum bus charge in Kerala is 5 rupees and price hike of provisions and vegetables are rocketing during the last few months. Then how we can leave a day with this amount of money?

If we look at the global poverty line that are defined by World Bank is $1.25 per day. As per World Bank’s record 456 million people (~42%) in India are now living under global poverty line. That means that one third of the global poor people now resides in India unfortunately. But still our government is trying some “black magic” for reducing the figure. 

Mismanagement of Food Grains

On other hand due to the Governments mismanagement, tones of grains damaged. Food is rotting in the warehouses of the Food Corporation of India, even millions go hungry. This issue was noticed by the court and warned the Government with the statement - “why the Gov is not distributing grains free or supplied at low cost to the people". But government had not taken any action for that yet.

As per the information using the right to information act (RTI), more than 10 lakh tons of food grains, worth hundreds corers of rupees were damaged in FCI godowns during the last period.  It can be used to feed over one core hungry people!!!! FCI had spent 2.59Cr just to dispose the damaged food grains!!!These all are happening only because of the mismanagement of our government. 

The records in 2012 June 1st indicates that we have 502 lakh tone rice and 321 lakh tone wheat storage. In total 823 lakh tone food gain storage we have. So from this, government needs to distribute 500 lakh tone food grains to the people. There is no answer for the question “Why this Government is not distributing this Food grains to the people, instead of damaging it?”

These news are coming out at the same time, UN reports states that 63% of children in India are suffering by lack food. In International Food Policy Research Institute’s Global Hunger Index, our country’s position is 67 out of 81.

The central Government is always saying that there is not enough money for providing subsides for the food grains. But the fact that our Government is only using 1.8% (52489Cr) economy of for these purposes while they are ready to give 28Lakh Cr tax concession to co-operates. 

So what we can request to our government is to distribute the food grains to normal people instead of damaging them in warehouses. This is a simple request from the majority of Indian population who are struggling for the food in every day. 

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