
Apr 12, 2011

Why LDF - Before going to Pooling Booth... !!!

Due to lack of time, I am just sharing few paper cuttings and pictures with you instead of putting a detailed blog post. I am sharing only few of the last LDF gov’s contributions.

EMS Housing Scheme

Rice @ Rs 2.00

Now government have expanded this to all APL and BPL community.

Awards :-

Energy :-

Co-operative sector:-

Farmer’s suicide:-


Smart City :-

Born Babsy Scheme:-

Others :-

I am not including all the things.....these are only few of them....So Vote For LDF.................

                                                ............. Anish Panthalani

Apr 7, 2011

Before going to Pooling Booth..!!!

Again, this is the time for another Assembly Election. Normally LDF and UDF are ruling Kerala in alternate periods. But now the situation has almost changed. As the last LDF Gov had introduced and implemented many projects like EMS housing scheme, Rice@2.00, total electrification, SmartCity, etc., which are directly effect and improve normal human communities life style, there is a big chance for another session for them. 
Not only these factors but also the scams from UPA government and FIR’s and charge sheets against Kerala UDF leaders are also the positive factors for LDF. R Balakrishnapillai is already in Jail; Kungalikutty, T.M Jacob, Sakthan, Mushafa, Umman Chandi etc are suppose to follow soon…!!!
Within this short span of the Congress led UPA Gov rule, lot of corruption stories have come out. As per the survey held by Transparency International, India has 8th rank in corruption oriented country’s list, just below Somalia!!! G8 development from UPA…!!!

With the former telecom minister Raja’s incident, it shows that the central Gov is controlled by the corporates. Frequent petrol price hike also points to same. Now the government has no role in deciding the price of petrol. It will be decided by the corporates. A hike of Rs 10/- hike in petrol price within the last 5 months. Even it directly affects the life style; the UPA Gov is not ready to rethink about this.

UPA government hasn’t taken any steps to improve the common people’s life style. Instead of that, they have again reduced the amount of rice and wheat that for BPL families. The fact is that 80% of Indians are having only below Rs. 20/- income per day. Even 570 Lakh Ton food materials are dumped in godowns, they are not ready to distribute it. These are points that our great rulers not at all interested to do anything for the poor people.

Swiss Bank account holder from India : -UPA Gov is not ready to disclose the Swiss Bank account holder’s details. The largest amount invested in Swiss bank is from India. Second position goes to Russia and third to England. Indians have invested approximately 66,52,000 Cr. rupees in Swiss bank. This amount is almost 6.5 times of Indian annual budget amount. The Swiss bank authority already offered that they are ready to give back this huge amount to Indian Government. But no further response from our government. At last honorable Supreme Court of India also asked to Gov “why you are not taking any proper action”.

I would like to bring your attention to few of Scams from Congress lead Government.

S Band Corruption - INR 2000000000000 (2.00 Lakh Cr)

This is the biggest corruption that was reported in India. Earlier the 1st position was 2G spectrum scam. PM’s office was directly involved in this corruption.

2G Spectrum Scam – INR 1760000000000 (1.76 Lakh Cr.)

Barak Missile Scam – 110000000000 (11000 Cr)

The Barak Missile Scandal is a case of defense corruption relating to the purchase of Barak Missile Systems by India from Israel.

Adarsh Flat Corruption – 3000000000 (300 Cr)

CWG Corruption -400000000000 (400 Cr.)

CWG Scam: CVC says overlays hired at 1400% higher rate. The CWG committee had taken equipment on rent at an inflated 42.34 Cr rupees against the actual cost of 2.80 Cr, thus giving undue benefits to the companies.

For more detail :-

IPL Scam - INR.70,0000000 (70 Cr)

Now this case is in a turning point. Kunhalikutty’s brother-in-law KA Rauf who helped him to settle down this case, openly admit that he had influenced Judges for a favorable verdict for Kunhalikutty. In the sting operation video grabs, former additional director of prosecutions KC Peter claims he had helped Rauf bribe Justice K Narayana Kurup and Justice K Thankappan (both retired now) to get a favourable verdict for Kunhalikutty.

Now the time for Ummanchandi…!!!
Apart from the palmoil scam, now Congress leader K K Ramachandran master comes with another against Ummanchandii The Titanium Scam of 26 Cr corruption. The enquiry for the same against .. Narayana Kurup and Justice K Thankappan (both retired now) to get a favourable verdict for Kunhalikutty.

R Balakrishna Pillai in Jail.
One of the founders and the leader of UDF R Balakarishna Pillai is in jail now. Horn. Supreme Court announce the verdict againt him in  Idamalayar case with one-year rigorous imprisonment. Now he is waiting for his friends.

Now the Wiki-Leaks publishes that US have a big role for selecting Indian ministers…!!! What a shame for Indian democracy. For more details about this  go through the following link.

Now it is your turn and you can think… before going to pooling booth… it is up to you :)