
Feb 3, 2011

Disclose the Swiss Bank account holder’s details.

Central Gov is not taking proper action for revealing the details of Swiss Bank holders details. If these list is come to the public, it will remove the fake mask from lots of *Gentile men* including few of our great politicians. Why the Gov is not taking necessary steps for this. There is no surprise for the inactivity of Indian Gov as we have seen 2G Spectrum, CWG etc.

The largest amount invested in Swiss bank is from India. Second position goes to Russia and third to Englind. Indians are invested approximately 66,52,000 Cr. rupees in Swiss bank. This amount is almost 6.5 times of Indian annual budget amount. 

The Swiss bank authority already offered that they are ready to give back this huge amount to Indian Government. But no action from our side. At last honorable Supreme Court of India also asked to Gov “why you are not taking any proper action”.

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